Our Covenant For 2023
I pray this letter finds you in the best of health. As you read this, it should be near the end of 2022. The year 2023 is about to change your entire life as you know it.
We cannot go into 2023 doing the same thing and expecting different results; that is known as insanity. This year, we must be intentional about everything we set out to do.
On Friday, December 23, during a Car Chronicles morning devotion, we spoke about the woman who gave out of a place of poverty and the understanding that she gave from a place of struggle (Mark 12:42). She gave from honor because her priorities were in order. In 2022, priorities were all out of order; but in 2023, let’s work to put them back.
done on purpose or deliberate
That is the word I need you to get in your spirit in 2023. That you intentionally have no choice but to get yourself together in your mind, your body, your spirit, and your finances. This level of intent is something that takes sacrifice and practice to get used to; moving in a specific way to bring you to a better place, a better year, and a better life. The Holy Spirit will always place spiritual demands on you commanding your flesh to be subject. Allow 2023 to be done intentionally. You are no longer going to live a life that will not be beneficial to a healthy, happy, and prosperous promise God has placed for each of us. You are no longer going to live out of order and be comfortable in disorder.
The year 2023 is when order will be restored intentionally. Exodus 23:14 teaches about three annual festivals that happen three times a year. We are to celebrate a feast of unleavened bread, the feast of harvest, and the feast of the inter-gathering.
At the end of the year, we have been brought to this place to feast and gather. At the end of the year is when we bring the crops in from the field, offer a sacrifice, and bring the best of our fruits of our soil into the house of the Lord. We do not go out of the old year and into a new year empty-handed.
Together, we’re going to prepare the First Fruit Offering in 2023 intentionally.
We will bring things into divine order and allow the Holy Spirit’s instructions to bring our life to a close in 2022. We will open 2023 with a positive plan; not just financially, but in ALL that we are about to do in this new year.
Let us honor God first because He will take on every unpleasing situation in our life. He will create a freshness under a new covenant presented to Him in honor.
Lord Jesus, we are sorry for what we have done in 2022 that brought dishonor, struggle, pain, and financial exhaustion. We are sorry if we did not honor you in 2022 with our tithe and offering as we should; and offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, as we promised in Romans 12:1. This was the reasonable service that may have slipped in anyway. As we now come under a new covenant as we close the old year and open a new year, please forgive us.
Let 2023 be a new covenant of Intentional (deliberate or purposeful) honor. We will purposely and deliberately do what we have to do with the following faithful aspects of our life: the fruit of wisdom, understanding, finances, heart, health and mental stability while allowing the leading of the Holy Spirit to help us make better choices in this year to come.
Father God, in the name of Jesus, please forgive us for the bad decisions we made in 2022, and we come to the new covenant in 2023 that we will live intentionally. Amen.
Today, I sow my first fruit of the year. I sacrifice sowing and releasing everything of the old year.
We thank you for being released out of the situation that kept us bound, such as it was for the children of Egypt.
We release the year 2022.
I release the seed of $22.
Exodus 23:19 (NIV) says to bring the best of the first fruits of your soil to the house of the Lord your GOD.
The year 2023 is my New Covenant to be intentional in all I do. God honor the work of my hands, for I have sown the feast of inter-gathering that my crops will be gathered, and now I celebrate because of the festival. The harvest has been sown the first fruits from the first crops, and through 2023, I shall have plenty.
My First Fruit of 2023 under a new covenant will be the seed of $23.
Lord Jesus, we thank you for allowing us to gather together in Your name. With all we have, and all we do not, we sacrifice in Jesus’ name.
Apostle Fred D. Gooden lll and Lady Jameliah Gooden speak prosperity intentionality.
We declare and decree a move of God in your life like never before. Favor of the living God meet every seed. We declare and decree that your home and your finances will be blessed. Bless your seed, your heart, and your mind. Live, baby, live! The battle against anxiety and depression is over. Intentionally live to defeat it in Jesus’ name.
Move in 2023 with intensity and intentionally with your vision.
We love you, and we will always be here throughout the years.
Unity Charlotte International:
We are fruit-bearing ministries. We thank you for being part of what the Holy Spirt is leading through our obedience.
We love you, and we thank you. Let’s change the world with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This world needs to see us all as ambassadors. Let’s represent Him as a body of believers who will move to please God.
Thank you.
Happy New Year! Let us finish and start out strong.
We are asking that all UCI families and Car Chronicles Movement Nation sow a seed of $22 to close out the year 2022.
And the New Year seed of $23 or $223 under a new covenant to move intentionally
Without counsel, plans fail, but with many advisers, they succeed.
Proverbs 15:22
As a special Thank You for your seed of $2023 or more, you will be given access to Mentorship in 2023 with Pastor Jameliah. The mentorship program will include but will not be limited to:
Zoom Meetings
Social Media Presence and Presentations
Marketing and Planning
Personal 1-on-1 Counseling Calls
And much more